It seems that Debbie King has friends in high places. What a shame that Michelle Nix apparently knows only what she has been told by Debbie. Michelle’s statement of support on Facebook spurred some interesting comments. Make some popcorn and read on.
Note that you will no longer find many of these comments on Michele Nix’s Facebook page. Apparently dissent is not tolerated there. What follows is a verbatim copy and paste from Michele’s post and the comments thereon at a point in time.
If you think it’s wrong to make a target of someone, especially a woman, who volunteers their time, money, and name to our Party, then send a message you stand with Denny Debbie King of Haywood County. She’s been the constant victim of a vile smear campaign. Frankly, I’m disgusted by the tactics of Jeremy Davis, and others associated with the Haywood Republican Alliance who think it’s ok to treat a woman this way. SPEAK UP, SUPPORT DEBBIE and let her know you’ve got her back. #WomenSupportWomen #CallThemOut 


There might be more to be seen on Michele’s Facebook page, if she hasn’t deleted it.
It is interesting, albeit disturbing, to me that people with a semblance of influence can sift through the comments that are made to them and decide which ones are relevant based on their own opinion.
This seems to be the practice of Ms. Nix. Hopefully she will realize how toxic Debbie King is for the good of the party. Obviously Debbie had been the force behind the fissure of the Haywood GOP. It would be a mistake to keep this person in confidence and power. She switches alliances very quickly, and there is evidence of this. (Current NCGOP chair comes to mind)..
I just wish that people would really check to see what is going on before they speak. Debbie is a real con artist.She is dangerous!!!
Actually, I HAVE been paying attention during the YEARS that you all have been serial harassers of those at the local , district, & state levels.
And, honest & open governance?!? Your own supporter, Joy, posted “What have we done against the GOP, except lie?” It’s right there in the comments. Last I checked, lying is the opposite of honesty.
I’m also not sure what creating smear campaigns against folks & likening them to porn films has to do with “open & honest governance”?!? Jeremy even admitted that it would likely be seen as sexual harassment…and it is.
Oh dear. Someone posted a picture with a caption that someone didn’t like.
Isn’t that just *horrible*!!!!
It is much worse than physical threats and slander as practiced by HCGOP leadership and Michele Nix, isn’t it?
Grow UP!
I have been notified a comment I made in response to Cristy Fryar was auto corrected inappropriately. The comment, “why do you say that? What have we done against the GOP except lie”, should read except tell the truth. I am saddened this has occurred because I have been blocked by Michele Nix and I cannot edit my post to correct this unfortunate error. I stand firmly behind HRA as stated in many posts because one of the things our leadership and members strongly believe is honesty and integrity. It is the GOP which has lied and manipulated. HRA is strongly opposed to such actions and if it occurs will be dealt with strongly.
First of all, it’s not OK to harass anyone or to disrespect their marriages or their children with childish, dishonest antics. I would think that Republicans would understand & be above such antics, especially claiming to be Christians.
And, for folks who claim to value honesty, you certainly support a lot of the exact opposite.
Disrespecting marriages?
Disrespecting children?
Please, put down the crack pipe and step away.
Are you alleging dishonesty? Provide specifics or shut your piehole.
Paul Yeager….why not have some integrity & post using your name?!? And, there is no crack pipe….just common decency. It IS disrespectful to someone’s marriage & children to falsely insinuate that they are having affairs all over Facebook. I’ll ask you the same question that I asked Don: would you appreciate it if I or anyone else posted all over social media & insinuated that you were a pedophile, accompanied by a photo of you merely taking to a child?
Why not have some integrity and stop making false allegations, Christy Fryar?
I have seen the videos. If you think they say certain people are having an affair, that is *your* choice and *your* personal problem.
You are obviously free to engage in any sort of slander you choose. You have proven here that you are quite adept at it.
Nice attempt at justification…and way to avoid my question. Anyone with an IQ over 10 understood exactly what was being insinuated.
Oh, and I have engaged in no false allegations….but those in writing are libel, not slander. Learn your defamation laws.
Keep proving your ignorance, snowflake. Go look up “slander”.
the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.
So it isn’t slander because you did it on a website? LMFAO.
So… Libel is…
a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation.
So, your false claim was libel, not slander, because you “published” it on a website? Fine, if you prefer that. In reality, a distinction with no difference.
So, you’ll be sued for libel rather than slander.
Happy now?
Again, you are alleging dishonesty.
Provide specifics or STFU.
More blather, less facts.
It’s Showflake Lightweight!
Paul, post a screenshot of the message you get when you try to send me a message on Facebook, if you’re not too much of a coward. PROVE what you’re claiming. Deniability isn’t going to work. You are a liar.
Nevermind…just received the screenshot of the message you posted. ‘The person isn’t available” is far different than the “this person isn’the receiving messages from you” message that I get & that Brian posted a screenshot of.
So the message is different. BFD.
Let me guess. You use an IPhone?
Nope…Samsung android. Regardless…I didn’t block you & it should be pretty apparent to you at this point that you intimidate me in absolutely no way. You removed the comment that I posted using my fiance’s account (wouldn’t I have just unblocked you & used my own account to post if I’d blocked you & then unblocked you, as you claimed)? You feel free to blow smoke up your own backside & pretend that you’re something you’re not, if that’s what helps you get through the day, though. I didn’t think twice about you after our discussion via messenger, or after your “LMFAO” comment that you conveniently left out of your screen shot…until Brian came home & shared your nonsensical post with me.
You didn’t block who? Where? What are you smoking?
I don’t intimidate you? No shit? Lady, I have no idea who you are, but you do seem a bit off your rocker.
You used your fiancee’s account? Really? Why? That is hardly honest.
I am not pretending to be anything. You, on the other hand, appear to be impersonating a sane person.
Who is this Brian guy, and what post are you talking about? What are the voices in your head telling you tonight?
And oh, by the way… did you notice what happened to the post that is the subject of the article upon which we are commenting?
I guess Ms. Nix sobered up.