Nix Supports King, Excrement Storm Ensues

 It seems that Debbie King has friends in high places.  What a shame that Michelle Nix apparently knows only what she has been told by Debbie.  Michelle’s statement of support on Facebook spurred some interesting comments.  Make some popcorn and read on.
Note that you will no longer find many of these comments  on Michele Nix’s Facebook page.  Apparently dissent is not tolerated there.   What follows is a verbatim copy and paste from Michele’s post and the comments thereon at a point in time.
If you think it’s wrong to make a target of someone, especially a woman, who volunteers their time, money, and name to our Party, then send a message you stand with Denny Debbie King of Haywood County. She’s been the constant victim of a vile smear campaign. Frankly, I’m disgusted by the tactics of Jeremy Davis, and others associated with the Haywood Republican Alliance who think it’s ok to treat a woman this way. SPEAK UP, SUPPORT DEBBIE and let her know you’ve got her back. #WomenSupportWomen #CallThemOut 🐘🤚😢


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Nathan West
Like · Reply · 4 ·  3 hrs


Eddie Cabe
Eddie Cabe Nathan maybe you could make another motion that no one from Haywood County can Speak … lol
Like · Reply · 2 hr
Cornelia Cree
Cornelia Cree Thank you for standing up for the right! We are tired of lies. If someone has a case against another, see the DA and file charges. If not, do us all a favor and shut up.
Like · Reply · 3 ·  2 hrs


Eddie Cabe
Eddie Cabe Michele Nix I have been a Republican For 40 years , A Veteran, Oath Keeper, 3%er , Sunday School teacher, and supported my local GOP for many years, Served as a Volunteer Precinct chair 6 years. 
I have Never in My life been lied to and slandered like 
See More
Like · Reply · 2 ·  2 hrs


Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis 🍿 I call it like I see them. Sorry if it offends someone.
Like · Reply · 3 ·  2 hrs


Lynette Crump Ramsey
Lynette Crump Ramsey Thank you, Michele for standing up and speaking out. Some people are disgusting and vile!!! These people have tried to intimidate, harass, and threaten anybody they disagree with and I am thankful for what your are doing. We, as Republicans are better than this!!!!!
Like · Reply · 2 ·  2 hrs


James Piedad
James Piedad Always a turd in the punch bowl. Unlike Democrats that will not call out bad apples.
Like · Reply · 1 ·  2 hrs


Lynette Crump Ramsey
Lynette Crump Ramsey By the way, I stand with Denny Debbie King!!!
Like · Reply ·  2 hrs


Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis It’s easy for Michele Nix whom I respect to not have a handle on the whole situation. Debbie has lied and manipulated to dozens of people. She should be regarded as a snake in the grass and I’m confident that there’s a special place in hell reserved foSee More
Like · Reply · 2 ·  2 hrs


Olivia Grant
Olivia Grant Yep! Manipulated and when I figured out what was happening and wouldn’t write letters or do this or that for her anymore, I was tossed aside like yesterday’s newspaper. Some “friendship”. I like my friends to be my friend all the time, not just when they need to use me.
Like · Reply · 1 · 
Eddie Cabe
Eddie Cabe I fully support what Jeremy said. except the part about respecting Nix.
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr · Edited


Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis The people that are not on Facebook is much larger. Message me if you’d like contact info, I’m happy to share about a deceitful lisr. But honestly don’t take my word for it check it out.
Like · Reply ·  2 hrs


Richard W. Schierer
Richard W. Schierer Is Jeremy Davis a democrat? Sure sounds like it from the tactics that he is using.
Like · Reply · 2 ·  2 hrs


Lynette Crump Ramsey
Lynette Crump Ramsey Jim, not sure what you mean by that. I know for a fact that our new chairman takes this very seriously. This is a case where reconciliation is not the solution…the faction does not want reconciliation…they want to destroy their victims and their local party.
Like · Reply ·  2 hrs


Mitchel Farris
Mitchel Farris A person’s sex does not matter in politics. Shame on you for throwing out the woman card. I have no stake in the disfunction in Haywood County, but shouldn’t state leadership step in and fix it?
Like · Reply · 5 ·  2 hrs


Eddie Cabe
Eddie Cabe State leadership wants Grassroots Conservative Haywood Republicans Removed from the Party that is where this problem started
Like · Reply · 1 ·  2 hrs


Mitchel Farris
Mitchel Farris I removed myself from the party. I’m only a registered Republican, but that too may change.
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Eddie Cabe
Eddie Cabe No Richard we are just simple Conservative mountain folk, that the NCGOP has decided must be removed from the party at any cost
Like · Reply · 2 ·  2 hrs


Joy Deitle
Joy Deitle I am a women and I will stand by my sisters anytime as along as they are fair and honest which DOES NOT describe Debbie King. I will never support this vile women in any from and just for the record Michelle Nix, I am a retired LCDR from the US Navy aSee More
Like · Reply · 4 ·  2 hrs


Selena Cabe
Selena Cabe Have you ever heard, just give it a little time ? Time tells all about Debbie King and HER agenda. Not the Republican Party agenda, but Debbies agenda. People will have to find her out for themselves . And they will.
Like · Reply · 4 ·  2 hrs


Olivia Grant
Olivia Grant Boy, *I* certainly did!
Like · Reply · 59 min
Lynette Crump Ramsey
Lynette Crump Ramsey We can disagree with someone and call them out….but if we make accusations….show the proof….and harrasment is NEVER ok!!!! NEVER!!!!
Like · Reply ·  1 hr


Selena Cabe
Selena Cabe Debbie King is just getting back the harassment she gave to my family and other families. Debbie deserves what she’s getting. I had to deal with her phone harassing in my household for years, so don’t tell me about harassment from someone.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 h
Scott Clontz
Scott Clontz And THEN somewhere in the middle lies the truth not a place I think state leadership should go.
Like · Reply ·  1 hr


Eddie Cabe
Eddie Cabe Again State leadership created this mess with the Haywood County Conservatives years ago
Like · Reply ·  1 hr


Lynette Crump Ramsey
Lynette Crump Ramsey If you only knew, Scott. The lines have been crossed with the personal attacks and sexual innuendo being made. I, for one, am glad state leadership is stepping up for its volunteers and not tolerating this despicable behavior. Honestly, if they ignored it…I’d be one less volunteer.
Like · Reply · 1 hr · 
Michele Nix
Michele Nix Jeremy Davis, Eddie Cabe and crew YOU are the liars, manipulators and creepiest human beings I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with. You and the ilk you associate with give every man who identifies as a Republican, Conservative, or political activist a reason to thank their lucky stars and God above they’re not you. #trollbegone #blocked #byefelicia
Like · Reply · 3 · 1 hr · Edited


Olivia Grant
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Eddie Cabe
Eddie Cabe Michele Nix Coming from you this makes me feel like a proud American. Thanks.
Like · Reply · 1 ·  1 hr


Michele Nix
Michele Nix I stand 1000% by what I’ve said, written and told of my experience with this supposed group of ‘patriots’. Yes, being a woman whose been harassed, intimidated, had pictures copied, memes made, videos, posts, comments and the subject of hit news storiesSee More
Like · Reply ·  1 hr


Colby Carr
Colby Carr I’d certainly love to see the end of this ridiculous in-fighting among members of both sides of the GOP in our state. While this opinion may be unpopular, it is a reason why many young people are hesitant to get involved in politics.
Unlike · Reply · 10 ·  1 hr


Olivia Grant
Like · Reply · 51 mins · Edited


Tracy K. Coward
Tracy K. Coward About six years ago I was approached by debbie king and asked which HCGOP elected position I would like to run for. She had briefly met me once or twice before this particular conversation. I ran for and was elected to the treasures post under pat carr at the beginning of her reign. debbie did not know me from Adam’s house cat when this conversation took place. In retrospect, I realize now that everything debbie has done since I met her has been to advance or enhance her position in the republican party, it is all an ego thing with her. I am confident she felt that I would be a surrogate for her. I was invited to and attended several ‘secret’ meetings by her to plot and scheme against the pat carr regime. This, in large part, is what ultimately led to me resigning my position as treasurer. I did not like or appreciate the two faced scheming. michelle nix, I put you into this self serving category, too. And, it seems that lynette crump ramsey, you have fell right in with the lies and deceit of the hcgop elected officials. Is the Haywood Republican Alliance made up of polished political people? No….it is made up of honest and hardworking people who are more interested in what is good for the county, state and country rather than what will make them look good to the state gop officials. We are more interested in holding people to the fire when the are deceitful than we are in photo ops ( debbie and michelle ). If being part of the state mainstream gop means giving up my personal values and beliefs, I could give a rat’s ass less if we ever reconcile with the mainstream gop. I WILL NOT accept people who try to bully or who lie or bend the truth to perpetuate their personal status or perceived power.
Unlike · Reply · 3 · 53 mins · Edited


Olivia Grant
Olivia Grant If you remember Tracy, it was the same time that she dragged me in too!
Unlike · Reply · 1 ·  51 mins


Tracy K. Coward
Tracy K. Coward Olivia Grant Yes it was. She did all she could to orchestrate that county convention……
Unlike · Reply · 2 ·  50 mins


Olivia Grant
Olivia Grant You’re telling me. I almost lost my life because I would have to be at these meetings while I was sick with strep that turned into scarlet fever. I am not well to this day because I did not take care of myself and once I started backing out of that horSee More
Unlike · Reply · 2 ·  47 mins


Tracy K. Coward
Tracy K. Coward She has always been an instigator. She makes suggestions but will not do anything herself….gotta keep her hands clean….It was the same way when the state gop went after Hasan Harnet. debbie actually cried big old crocodile tears about how he and his family were being treated. Now she is in cahoots with that same crew.
Unlike · Reply · 3 ·  42 mins


Olivia Grant
Olivia Grant Lol Yep! And remember how she detested the Carrs and the Bennetts? Now they are being played like violins. I personally don’t like being made the fool. 😂😂😂
Unlike · Reply · 2 ·  40 mins


Tracy K. Coward
Tracy K. Coward Yep…..strange bedfellows, indeed….
Unlike · Reply · 3 · 39 mins
Olivia Grant
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 51 mins · Edited


Tracy K. Coward
Tracy K. Coward To the state gop (michelle nix) and the county gop folks (debbie king), if the Devil himself ran as a republican we would be expected to support him…..
Unlike · Reply · 3 ·  46 mins


Christy Fryar
Christy Fryar The years of watching the very public Facebook harassment & bullying of their county GOP, district GOP, and now state GOP have gotten tiresome & long past ridiculous…much like the relentless screaming & whining from the liberals about Trump.
Like · Reply · 1 · 44 mins · Edited


Olivia Grant
Olivia Grant I honestly regret the day I ever let Debbie King drag me into the Haywood GOP. If I had to do it over, I would run like crazy and now I am probably going to register as independent.
Unlike · Reply · 3 ·  43 mins


Olivia Grant
Olivia Grant Oh and remember, Nix will be taking screenshots to send to Debbie. Their M.O. Is always the same. I can’t stand predictability. 😂😂😂
Unlike · Reply · 1 ·  42 mins


Christy Fryar
Christy Fryar For the record, I don’t know anyone involved except for Michele here. However, I have seen the relentless attacks, even on those within the BCGOP by this same group of rabble rousers who don’t appear to have anything productive to do with their time, and the immaturity with which things have been addressed, and by whom. I, for one, am sick to death of the groups who do nothing but stir up chaos, while claiming to be the “superior, more principled Republicans”…
Like · Reply · 32 mins · Edited


Jessica Leigh Barnette-Thomas
Jessica Leigh Barnette-Thomas I’m not in Haywood county but the fact that you would use the woman card and rant about this on Facebook makes it seem like you’re a sjw snowflake that needs a safe space!! 😕😏😒😒However, you have to know if you are going into politics you are going to be treated cruelly no matter what your position is!
Unlike · Reply · 2 ·  32 mins


Christy Fryar
Christy Fryar It’s not really normal to be treated cruelly by those in one’s own party.
Like · Reply ·  30 mins


Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash those folks in Haywood are the ones being treated cruelly by the leadership of the GOP
Like · Reply · 1 ·  8 mins


Christy Fryar
Christy Fryar I’m going to be honest, Johnny…like I said, I’ve seen the posts over the last few years & the gripes always seemed petty. It seemed like there was one group of people who didn’t like another group of people & went on the attack. It was the same thingSee More
Like · Reply · 1 min
Jessica Leigh Barnette-Thomas
Jessica Leigh Barnette-Thomas Are you kidding me?? Look how trump was treated by #republicans grow a pair and move on!!
Unlike · Reply · 1 ·  29 mins


Christy Fryar
Christy Fryar Believe me, I can be the nastiest human being you’ve ever come across if you cross me…I’m no shrinking violet. I just happen to find it more important to be a decent human being.
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 mins · Edited


Jessica Leigh Barnette-Thomas
Jessica Leigh Barnette-Thomas Are there any decent human beings in politics??
Like · Reply ·  26 mins


Christy Fryar
Christy Fryar Yes. Those of us who have an arsenal of ammunition, but choose to refrain from posting it all over social media b/c we put the best interests of the party first.
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Christy Fryar
Christy Fryar This group that Michele mentioned….they created such a circus on the 11th District Facebook page with all their griping & accusations against everyone that the page had to be cleaned up & admins had to start approving comments to keep the district GOP from looking like an insane asylum.
Like · Reply ·  24 mins


Christy Fryar
Christy Fryar I’m not sure how that benefits the GOP?!?
Like · Reply ·  23 mins


Barbara Burrage
Barbara Burrage Strength in numbers,unite don’t fight.The despicable fallacies,non patriotic acts will boomerang back to them.
Like · Reply ·  22 mins


Heather Reece Jackson
Heather Reece Jackson Why do you keep throwing out the woman card??? I am a woman and Debbie King makes me sick. I used to be cautious of her because she seemed so very fake…then it happened…we were tossed aside like dinner scraps for the animals to eat. She has thrown us to the wolves and told everyone all these horrid things, and believe it or not, my name hasn’t been in moat of it because I was not as involved ad people I am close to because I frankly don’t have the energy to deal with their bull$#!t. If you want to talk about who stands with who, I stand by my husband who I have seen railroaded and treated like garbage by Debbie King and Linda. Linda…that’s a whole different beast there. These people are why people like me want to run from politics altogether no matter how much good we could do because of the crap and lies. These people talking horribly about what I consider friends, because they would be there no matter what, unlike Debbie or Linda, make me sick because you have no clue. If it had happened to you as it did to us, MAYBE YOU WOULD GET IT, BUT YOU DON’T, so you really should shut up if you weren’t involved in it and weren’t there for much of this. Like I said, this is why we run from helping because of the constant crap. As has been said, one day they will see the truth and they will look like turds as someone called Jeremy Davis in here. I don’t know you personally Michele Nix, but thanks for calling me names by association with Jeremy because you call one out, I guess you are calling all out. Cowards, liars, and manipulators is definitely on your side not ours. You have no clue what you are dealing with and I hope for your sake you figure it out before you end up lumped with her like you have with all HRA members you hypocrite!!!
Unlike · Reply · 3 ·  19 mins


Olivia Grant
Olivia Grant 💙💙💙 this!
A bit later, our source provided a bit more from this thread.
Christy Fryar The “Haywood Republican Alliance” doesn’t seem to be an ally of the GOP in any way. In fact, it seems to be the exact opposite.
Like · Reply · 1 · 39 mins


Joy Deitle
Joy Deitle Why do you say that? What have we done that is against the GOP, except lie.
Joy Deitle

Joy Deitle Well, when you take down people’s post it appears you are afraid of the truth, but never mind they have been posted in multiple other places.

As I said I am a proud supporter of Haywood Republican Alliance because they are honorable people and if you and others would choose to take the time to open your eyes we might have something to say, but you chose to be threatened by us. We have the same mission, but we are not going to use people inappropriately or treat them like trash. The good news is because we are a PAC we can be honest with people and support the best Republicans. We are not under party rules to cozy up to RHINOS; another evidence of our honesty. If you want to be a Republican and support the Republican platform in a honest manner we are your people. Give us a chance, we were the people who raised all the current monies in the HCGOP coffers. We were the people manning the tables in support of the GOP at special events but we were all tossed aside inappropriately as unworthy. Just sit back and watch. You will be seeing us on the news in supporting GOP at special events. See if any body else from HCGOP does anything. We are not stopping them from raising monies or attending special events. Quite the contrary they will be welcome as our mission is the same. NCGOP would be well served to tap our resources as we have much to offer, but if NCGOP chooses not to do that we will continue the mission on our own because we are Republicans who believe in the mission, but I guess just not in the same way. I do guarantee you one thing though, we will grow and be formable force because what we have to offer is what people are longing for which is integrity and respect. We will find good strong people and we will grow Haywood Republican Alliance.


Michele Nix
Michele Nix Obviously you don’t know me, I’m not afraid of you, Haywood Republican Alliance or whatever name you call yourselves. Better yet, right now I’m calling y’all a terrorist organization because you’re only good at trying to terrorize others. As for being ‘real’ republicans, bawhawhaw 🤣🤣🤣 dont make me laugh so hard.
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 mins


Really, Michele Nix?  Haywood Republican Alliance is a “terrorist organization”?

Do you even English?

 terrorist – noun – 1.  a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Joy Deitle
Joy Deitle If I am a member of a terrorists organization I need to know that as that could jeopardize my USN retirement pay so please educate me pronto


Michele Nix
Christy FryarMichele…groups such as these amount to the progressives on the left. They are extremists & believe that Republicans should act as cult members. And, they’re employing the same appalling tactics that progressives have & continue to in their attempt to take over the party & run everyone off who isn’t an extremist.
Like · Reply · 1 · 22 mins
Actually, if you pay attention, the driving force here is honesty and open governace, which are notably absent in HCGOP
Lynette Crump Ramsey

Lynette Crump Ramsey And Christy, they attack anyone who calls hem out with the same vengeance.

But Lynette Crump Ramsey never attacks anyone, right? And she always backs her claims with evidence, right?   No, she doesn’t. Puppets can’t do that.

There might be more to be seen on Michele’s Facebook page, if she hasn’t deleted it.

Henson Makes Telephone Threat

Really, Ken Henson?  Are you really that stupid?

We would never tell anyone what to think about someone.  We invite you to read further, listen to the audio, and judge for yourself.

Haywood County GOP Chairman Ken Henson called Jeremy Davis’ cell phone, and left the message that can be heard below.

We wonder why, if you intend to threaten someone, you would do it in a recorded message.  It doesn’t seem very wise.

Audio Player



What Are They Hiding? HCGOP Bans Recording of Meeting

Haywood County Republican Party Chairman Ken Henson, at the HCGOP meeting on Tuesday March 28, declared the meeting to be private, and that recording would not be allowed.

“Monroe, are you recording? This is not a public meeting”, Henson said.

“I am recording it”, replied Monroe Miller.

“Well this is not a public meeting”, continued Henson, who then said something that isn’t quite intelligible on the recording.

A motion was made to disallow recording during the meeting, which was seconded by several.

During discussion, one attendee pointed out:  “If we have nothing to hide, what does it matter?”.  Apparently there are some honest folks left at HCGOP.

Later in the discussion, Henson contradicted his earlier claim saying: “I mean, it’s open… we’re here…”, and then continued: “We just don’t…. you know…  a lot of people don’t want it out on the Internet tonight.”

Chairman Henson, why don’t you want it on the Internet tonight?  What do you have to hide?

Ted Carr, apparently clarifying his motion, said: “The main point is that anyone who wants to participate could be here at the meeting, and it is not the purpose to record it and put it out on the Internet”.

Apparently Mr. Carr has something to hide as well.

Well folks, there you have it.  Haywood County GOP wants to make sure that you only know what they want you to know about their meetings.

Click here to hear the audio from which the quotes above were transcribed.


A Tale of Three Articles

A few days ago, we received an email inviting us to attend a rally in support of Congressman Mark Meadows.  What a great idea!  We just love Congressman Meadows, and know he has been taking some heat for standing on principle as we elected him to do.

Here is what the email looked like:

Nicely done, Jane!

Imagine our surprise when we saw the following article in the online edition of our local newspaper.  Note that the image is a facsimile of the actual article, which has been changed.

Hmmm…  sure looks like someone is trying to take credit for the work done by Jane Bilello, FreedomWorks, and Heritage Action for America.

Someone noticed the misattribution, and another article appeared:

So now we have credit being given to Haywood County 9-12 Project.  Who are they?  They did at least credit FreedomWorks for buying lunch.  Apparently someone noted the fact that article was still far from accurate, and yet another version appeared:

Finally, they got it right.  What took so long?

There seem to be two most likely causes of this:

1.  The reporter is not very good at her job.

2. The reporter was given false information.

The reporter who authored these stories has worked in Haywood County for quite some time.  We feel she wouldn’t be here if she was that incompetent.