It seems that Debbie King has friends in high places. What a shame that Michelle Nix apparently knows only what she has been told by Debbie. Michelle’s statement of support on Facebook spurred some interesting comments. Make some popcorn and read on.
Note that you will no longer find many of these comments on Michele Nix’s Facebook page. Apparently dissent is not tolerated there. What follows is a verbatim copy and paste from Michele’s post and the comments thereon at a point in time.
If you think it’s wrong to make a target of someone, especially a woman, who volunteers their time, money, and name to our Party, then send a message you stand with Denny Debbie King of Haywood County. She’s been the constant victim of a vile smear campaign. Frankly, I’m disgusted by the tactics of Jeremy Davis, and others associated with the Haywood Republican Alliance who think it’s ok to treat a woman this way. SPEAK UP, SUPPORT DEBBIE and let her know you’ve got her back. #WomenSupportWomen #CallThemOut 


There might be more to be seen on Michele’s Facebook page, if she hasn’t deleted it.